Friday, October 14, 2016

Top 10 Fast Weight Loss Tips

Tried-and-true tips

Sick of chasing fad diets? Time to hop off the bandwagon and get some down-to-earth advice from people who have been there, done that.

Sure, we spend our days sifting through the latest research and asking super-toned celebrities about their workout secrets. At the end of the day, though, peeling off the pounds is just as challenging for us as it is for anyone else.

These 10 diet tricks aren't always easy to stick to, but they've worked for us.

Put away the (food) scale

"Portion control isn't about measuring; it's about ordering two appetizers instead of an entrée and cutting back on bread if you have pasta."

Stash fruit

"Keep fruit at work. It helps during the I-need-chocolate part of the afternoon."

Shake chocolate

"When I'm trying to drop a few pounds, I carry around a shaker cup of chocolate protein powder. If I'm ravenous, I add the water, and it fills me up so I don't eat something high-calorie instead."

Set limits, then go nuts!

"In the cafeteria I use a 4-by-4-inch Styrofoam box, and I put whatever I want in there. It's almost impossible to overeat."

Floss for dessert

"Brushing my teeth after dinner makes me less likely to eat again before I go to bed."

Take a 'before' photo

"Before I got in shape, a friend convinced me to take photos of myself wearing nothing but a sports bra and underwear. Anytime I fall off the wagon I look at those pics—that's all the motivation I need!"

Avoid liquid calories

"Cut out drinks with calories—juice, lemonade, and, hardest of all, after-work wine."

Break out the skinny jeans

"Wear something tight! It provides the extra bit of motivation to lay off the fries."

Pitcher this

"Fill a pitcher with water and cucumbers. It's pretty—and it feels like a treat."

Set aside leftovers

"Serve yourself, then immediately pack the leftovers in a Tupperware container and store in the fridge."

Aging is a natural process and no power on earth can prevent the natural flow of time and the signs of aging it leaves behind on the human body. But aging does not mean the loss of health and vitality. Most people in their in their 40s and 50s remain very much stable and in reality there is less prevalence of stress and depression among mature adults compared to younger adults. But the normal age-related changes do affect the lifestyle of mature adults. Some common age-related physical changes include hypertension, an increase in body weight, heart diseases, diabetes and increasing chances of arthritis and osteoporosis along with changes in mental health and mental processes. The best thing one can do to stay strong and healthy and age in a graceful manner is follow a balanced and healthy diet plan that includes all the essential nutrients in the right proportion along with daily workouts to lose fat and maintain healthy body weight.

Daily Calorie Requirements of Mature Adults as per Gender and Level of Activity

Aging increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. along with risk of osteoporosis and weak bones in case of women. So, it is imperative to include all food groups in your daily eating plan in order to get the vital nutrients required for proper functioning of the body.
healthy food
As people age they require fewer calories because the basal metabolic rate drops over time. People with a muscular structure will burn more calories compared to people with less muscular built. Therefore, both men and women should consume the exact number of calories that are required to either maintain the current weight or to promote weight loss in order to achieve a healthy weight. Although a lot of people follow generalized 1200 calorie meals in order to promote weight loss, the exact number of calories one should consume each day depends on gender, height, body weight, body composition, and activity level. However, it has been seen that women with more or less physically inactive lifestyle should consume 1600 to 1800 calories per day while women with active lifestyle should consume 2000 to 2200 calories per day. Men with sedentary lifestyle should consume 2000 to 2200 calories per day and those with active lifestyle should consume 2400 to 2800 calories per day.
Gender Sedentary Lifestyle Active Lifestyle
Mature Women 1800 calories 2200 calories
Mature Men 2200 calories 2800 calories
It is vital to explain the terms sedentarily and active used in the table above in order to get a better idea about the daily routine and level of physical activity of the group of people mentioned in this table.
“Sedentary” – The word sedentary here signifies a lifestyle that encompasses only light physical activity associated with regular day-to-day life with no additional exercise or workouts.
“Active” – The word active here signifies a lifestyle that comprises at least daily walking of more than 3 miles per day at the speed of 3 to 4 miles per hour or involvement in sports along with light physical activity related to usual day-to-day life.

Healthy 1800 Calorie and 2200 Calorie Diet Charts for Mature Adult Women

Women go through a series of physical and psychological changes through different stages of their lives. It begins at puberty and onset of menstruation, continues through pregnancy and motherhood, perimenopause and ends at menopause. So, whatever be the age, committing to a healthy diet not help you look and feel your best but also helps in reducing complications of PMS, stress, pregnancy and nursing and eases the symptoms of menopause.
maintaining weight
A balanced and well-rounded diet consisting of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats provides plenty of energy to the body and helps in sustainable weight control even in the 30s and 40s. In general, the calorie requirements decreases gradually as we enter our 30s and 40s, and a mature woman usually requires 1800 to 2200 calories per day, 1800 calories for sedentary females and 2200 calories for active females. One of the chief diet tips for women in their 40s is that in order to lose weight at the age of 40 one should lower the total calorie intake by 500 calories a day in order to lose 1 pound each week. These long term diets work in a much more sustainable manner compared to quick 7 days diet plan for weight loss.

1800 Calorie Diet Plan for Mature Women with Sedentary Lifestyle

A balanced 1800 calorie diet plan is considered one of the healthy diets for women in the age group of 30 to 50 years who have a more or less sedentary lifestyle and who want to maintain their weight at a healthy level. Active women in their 30s and 40s can also follow this diet in order to promote weight loss. 50% of the calories in this diet come from carbs, 30% from proteins and the rest of the 20% from healthy fats. Foods from all major food groups such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, dairy, and proteins are included in this diet in order to make it healthy and wholesome.
1800 calorie diet
An 1800 calorie diet plan is divided into 3 meals and 2 snacks; each meal consists of approximately 400 calories and each snack consist of approximately 300 calories.
Breakfast – 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of whole grain toast, 1 tablespoon of butter, ½ cup melon, 177 ml orange juice
Mid-Morning Snack– 1 cup of low-fat yogurt, ½ cup fresh or frozen berries
Lunch – 1 cup of cooked brown rice, 58 grams of chicken, 1 plate salad made with cucumber, lettuce, tomato, carrot and onion
Evening Snack – ½ cup of dried fruits and nuts mixture
Dinner – Chicken sandwich made with 2 slices of whole-grain bread, 56 grams chicken breast sliced, 1 slice of low-fat cheese, lettuce, tomato and cucumber

2200 Calorie Diet for Mature Women with Active Lifestyle

A 2200 calorie diet is a healthy diet for adults – both male and female. This diet is appropriate for active women 31 years of age or older. 2200 calorie diet also meets the daily calorie requirements for men between the age of 31 and 50 years with a sedentary lifestyle. The 2200 calorie diet plan should include all the nutrients needed for healthy functioning of the body such as proteins, vitamins and minerals, therefore, it is necessary to be careful about the number of servings from different food groups. A healthy diet chart for 2200 calories should include fruits and fruit juices, leafy vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, meats and beans and healthy oils.
A 2200 calorie diet plan is divided into 3 meals and 2 snacks, each meal containing roughly 600 calories and each snack containing roughly 200 calories.
Breakfast – 3/4th cup of cold cereal, 1 cup of low-fat milk, 1 cup coffee, 1 medium-sized banana
Mid-Morning Snack– 170 grams yogurt, 1 medium-sized apple
Lunch – 1.5 cups cooked brown rice, 113 grams chicken, 1 small salad made with fresh greens, tomato, onion, cucumber and 2 tablespoons of dressing, ½ cup steamed broccoliday 7 gm diet brown rice
Evening Snack – 2 slices of whole wheat bread with 4 teaspoons of jelly and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
Dinner – 2 slices of whole-wheat bread, 85 grams chicken breast sliced, 2 cubic inch cheddar cheese, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 1 medium-sized apple

Importance of a Balanced and Healthy Diet for Mature Women

With increasing age, the energy requirement of the body decreases whereas the protein requirement increases. Women in their late 30s and early 40s start experiencing the symptoms of menopause. Hormonal changes during this period lead to loss of calcium from the bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Therefore, it is important to include specific nutrients in their diet to stay healthy and fit.
Healthy Diet for Mature Women
  • The digestive and immune power also weakens because it becomes harder for the body to absorb nutrients.
  • Change in body composition at this stage along with reduced physical activity leads to a reduction in energy requirements of the body.
  • The requirement of proteins increases at this age because it is necessary for fighting infections, repairing tissues and fractures and maintaining nitrogen equilibrium.
  • Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that aids the body to use calcium and also improves immune functions. Mature women should try to get as much of vitamin D as possible from foods sources and by enjoying the sunlight for at least 10 minutes every day.
  • Women who are 40 should limit or avoid high-fat and high-sodium meats, high-fat dairy products, sugary drinks and refined grains in order to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
  • Some essential minerals for the body are calcium, iron and zinc and a mature woman’s diet should be rich in all three of them.
  • Mature women should consume 1000mg of calcium daily in order to meet the calcium needs of the bones.
  • This is still a busy stage of a person’s life, so it best to target an easy and flexible diet that will allow you to take care of both your health as well as family obligations at the same time.

Healthy 2200 Calorie and 2800 Calorie Diet Charts for Mature Adult Men

Most men tend to neglect their health during their 20s and 30s which results in overweight issues, obesity and other chronic diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol levels by the time they reach their 40s. But, bringing a few healthy changes in the lifestyle and making smart food choices is all it takes to stay strong and healthy even in the 40s and 50s. With age, the metabolism of the body decreases, so the daily diet should no longer consist of pizzas and beer. It’s time to switch to healthier high protein foods.
Carbohydrates and Proteins
Some of the best natural protein foods are eggs, chicken breast, salmon, and quinoa. The number of calories that a man aged 31 to 50 years needs to consume on a daily basis is based on his activity level. While a sedentary man needs around 2200 calories, an intensely active 40-year-old man needs approximately 2800 calories. Eating 500 calories less than what is needed to maintain the weight can help men older than 40 to lose 1 pound every week.

2200 Calorie Diet Plan for Mature Men with Sedentary Lifestyle

A healthy diet plan for men comprising of 2200 calories can help mature men between the age of 31 to 50 years to maintain their weight at a healthy level even without daily exercise and intense physical activities. It is also one of the best diets for men who want to lose weight by combining it with daily exercises for 1 hour. A balanced 2200 calorie diet plan should include 3 cup of vegetables, 2 cups of fruits, 7 ounces of grain, 6 ounces of protein-rich foods, 3 cups of dairy foods and 6 teaspoons of healthy fats or oils.
A 2200 calorie diet plan is distributed into 3 meals and 2 snacks, each meal comprising roughly 600 calories and each snack comprising roughly 200 calories.
Breakfast – 250 grams non-fat cottage cheese, 1 cup strawberries, 1 slice whole grain toast topped with 85 grams sliced chicken breast
Mid-Morning Snack – 125 grams non-fat yogurt, 1 orange
Lunch – 1 cup cooked brown rice, 200 grams grilled or baked fish, 2 cups of steamed green beans, 1 plate leafy green salad
Evening Snack – 30 grams peanuts, 1 cup of carrot sticks
Dinner – 2 cups mixed vegetables (carrots, tomato, and bell peppers), leafy green salad (lettuce and spinach), 170 grams grilled chicken breast, ½ cup cooked beans, 1 pearhealthy salad

2800 Calorie Diet Plan for Mature Men with Active Lifestyle

Mature men in their 30s and 40s can follow a well-planned 2800 calorie diet plan if they have a highly active lifestyle. This is one of the best diets for men because it has a variety of healthy food choices. A 2800 calorie diet must include 2.5 cups of fruits, 3.5 cups of vegetables, 10 ounces of grain, 7 ounces of protein from meat, beans, nuts, seeds and eggs and 3 cups of dairy products. However, it should be low in saturated fats, trans fats, and refined grains. This adult diet is ideal for those men who include daily physical exercises for 1 in their routine.
A 2800 calorie diet plan is segregated into 3 meals and 2 snacks, each meal comprising of approximately 700 calories and each snack comprising of approximately 350 calories.
Breakfast – 1 cup cooked oatmeal, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 2 teaspoons of margarine, 1 cup skim milk, 1 boiled egg, ½ cup orange juice
Oat meal
Mid-Morning Snack – 1 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 9 graham crackers, 1 cup melon
Lunch – 3/4th cup cooked brown rice, 113  grams baked fish, ½ cup cooked broccoli, 1 tablespoon margarine, 2 cup lettuce salad, 1 cup skim milk, 2 small oat cookies
Evening Snack – 8 non-fat whole wheat crackers, 28 grams reduced fat cheese, ½ cup fruit punch
Fruits and Vegetables
Dinner – 113 grams grilled chicken breast, 1 small baked potato, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 tablespoon margarine, ½ cup steamed cauliflowers, ½ cup cooked carrots, ½ cup low-fat yogurt

Importance of a Balanced and Healthy Diet for Mature Men

As a person ages, it becomes more challenging to lose weight and people find that they can no longer eat like they used to when they were 20 or 30 years old. This happens because the metabolism of the body slows down with age. Being overweight or obese at this age also increases the risk of developing chronic diseases. Therefore, a balanced diet plan for a man over 40 years should include the right number of calories and a healthy balance of all the nutrients.
  • Being overweight is never healthy, but it is more dangerous after the age of 40. Obesity is extremely common among mature adult men and women, and the question of how to overcome obesity can be answered only through a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
Reduces the Risk of Being Overweight
  • The daily calorie requirement for mature men ranges between 2200 and 2800 calories.
  • Proteins should make up 10 to 35 % of the total calories while carbohydrates should make up 45 to 65% of the total calories. The outstanding calories should come from healthy fats like olive oil and nuts.
  • Men should also decrease the consumption of sodium because men are more likely to have high blood pressure around the age of 45 compared to women.
  • Men in their 40s should be careful about alcohol consumption. Heavy drinking can surge the risk of heart diseases and liver diseases.
  • Therefore, it is best to opt for moderate drinking which is defined as up to 2 drinks per day.

Importance of Exercise and Physical Activity for Mature Adults

Mature adults, both male, and female can benefit from daily exercise and physical activity. Physical activities need not be strenuous in order to achieve the health benefits.
Improved Cardiac Health – regular physical activities reduces the risk of heart diseases and high blood pressure in mature adults.
Improved Immune Function – Daily exercise for at least 30 minutes every day helps in boosting the functions of the immune system and helps the body to fight off infections and sickness.
Prevent Osteoporosis – Exercises also protects against the loss of bone mass which becomes is more common in menopausal women. Better bone density reduces the risk of osteoporosis and risk of fractures and broken bones.
Types of Exercises – Mature adult men and women can do 30 minutes of cardio or endurance exercises along with moderately intense strength training. Stretching and flexibility exercises are also important for warming up and cooling down the muscles gradually. They can also practice relaxing yoga and tai chi techniques in order to relieve stress and anxiety.
Live a happy and productive life and reduce the risk of chronic diseases by choosing the particular diet plan as per your daily calorie requirements depending on your lifestyle and level of activities and don’t forget to share your health tips with us.

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